Describe and Develop Code that uses Java Inner Classes, Including Nested Class, Static Class, Local Class And Anonymous Class
Describe and Write Functional Interfaces
Describe A Lambda Expression, Refactor the Code that Uses an Anonymous Inner Class to use a Lambda Expression, Describe Type Interface and Target Typing
Develop Code to Extract Data from an Object by Using the Map() method
Search for Data by Using Methods such as findFirst(), findAny(), anyMatch(), allMatch() and noneMatch()
Describe the Unique Characteristics of the Optional Class
Perform Calculations by Using Java Stream Methods, Such as count(), max(), min(), average(), sum()
Sort a Collection by Using Lambda Expressions
Develop Code that uses the Stream.collect() Method and Collectors Class Methods, such as averagingDouble(), groupingBy(), joining() and partitioningBy()
Develop Code that uses Java SE 8 Collection Improvements, Including Collection.removeIf(), List.replaceAll(), Map.computeIfAbsent(), and Map.computeIfPresent() methods
Develop Code that uses Java SE 8 I/O Improvements, Including Files.find(), Files.walk(), and lines() Methods
Use flatMap() methods in the Stream API
Develop Code that Creates a Stream by using the and IntStream.range() Methods
Create and Manage Date-and Time-based events, Including a Combination of Date and Time in a Single Object, by Using LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Instant, Period and Duration
Work With Dates and Times Across Time Zones and Manage Changes Resulting From Daylight Savings, Including Format Date and Time Values
Define, Create, and Manage Date- and Time-based Events Using Instant, Period, Duration, and TemporalUnit